The Vienna Doctoral School in Physics welcomes you for your PhD in physics.

 Latest News from the VDSP


Komplexe physikalische Themen bringen die Köpfe von Schülerinnen und Schülern seit jeher zum Rauchen. Dass Physikunterricht aber auch spannend und...


Friday, 21 October 2022

Sky Lounge, Oskar-Morgenstern-Platz 1, 1090 Vienna



Der Bank Austria Hauptpreis in der Höhe von 4.000 Euro geht 2022 an Valeria Saggio von der Quantenoptik, Quantennanophysik und Quanteninformation,...


Sebastian Falkner was awarded the prize for the best poster at the conference "Molecular Simulation 2022: Present, Past and Future".


Some VDSP Members participated in this year's career prospect excursion to Eindhoven, Netherlands, 20-22 June

Events at the Faculty of Physics

Selected publications


Nat. Commun.: Moskal et al.

Discrete symmetries tested at 10−4 precision using linear polarization of photons from positronium annihilations


npj Quantum Inform.: Karli et al.

Controlling the photon number coherence of solid-state quantum light sources for quantum cryptography


Nat. Rev. Phys.: Bosoni et al.

How to verify the precision of density-functional-theory implementations via reproducible and universal workflows

Photos in banner: © University of Vienna / Joseph Krpelan, Barbara Mair