Science meets: Medicine


On 29 May 2018 the second joint VDS Mathematics and Physics "Science meets" event took place in the Schrödinger Lecture Hall at the ESI, Boltzmanngasse 9.

The following speakers were present for the panel discussion:

  • DI Manfred Bammer, MAS
    Competence Unit Biomedical Systems, Austrian Institute of Technology (AIT)
  • Marie Doumic, PhD
    Wolfgang Pauli Institute, University of Vienna
    Inria Paris
  • Priv.-Doz. Dr. Bianca Gerendas, MSc
    Vienna Reading Center, Medical University of Vienna
    Christian Doppler Laboratory for Ophthalmic Image Analysis

Bringing together both mathematical and physics experts resulted in a successful and fruitful exchange. 

Local organizers:

Anna Breger (VDS-M), Yaakov Fein (VDS-P), Manjil Saikia (VDS-M) and Katharina Werbach (VDS-P).