New visitor programme "Research in teams"


The VDSP initiative "Research in Teams" fosters collaborations between local PhD students and international research partners.

The VDSP contributes up to €1000,- to a short scientific visit of a guest researcher hosted by a VDSP student in Vienna who wishes to start a new research project or advance an existing collaboration.


A VDSP student who wishes to apply for financial support should provide the following documents:

  • Guest information: name, affiliation, short CV 
  • One page description of the aims and plan for implementing the collaboration
  • Budget plan: accommodation, travel costs etc.

Their supervisor needs to approve the application by forwarding the proposal to for further consideration.

Applications will be processed as they are received without concrete deadlines. 

Acceptance of the applications depends on the expected benefit for research, plausibility of the travel budget and budget balance.