In order to strengthen intradisciplinary exchange, we dedicate the event to presentations by external guest speakers who complement research strands of our own students. The first edition of the VDSP Science Day will feature research in environmental physics, quantum physics and materials science.
Preceding the talks by the invited speakers, VDSP students will introduce the foundations of the field and their own work to acquaint the audience with the presented research topic and to set the framework for the presentations by the guest speakers.
Please register by 1 December 2019.
Invited speakers
- Hans Moosmüller, Desert Research Institute
- Philippe Bouyer, Institut d'Optique
- Sarah Haigh, University of Manchester
VDSP student talks
- Marilena Teri, Aerosol Physics and Environmental Physics
- Raffaele Silvestri, Quantum Optics, Quantum Nanophysics and Quantum Information
- Gregor Leuthner, Physics of Nanostructured Materials